I got the change to ask her about her work at ND. It was so awesome to hear how excited she is about her new job. McKenna is one of my favorite people in the world and I am so happy to see her succeed.
Here is a pic of me and her being silly, enjoying some comedy magic and enjoying our eyebrows.

I look at my circle of friends and I see how blessed I am to be around so many talented and hard working people. None of us right now are millionaires or are house hold names but each of them is doing really exciting stuff.
My friend Geoff designs the web interface for one of the nation's biggest retailers. My Girlfriend Erin is making costumes for a nationally renowned theatre company. My friend Jason is directing all over Chicago for some of the leading edge theatre companies. Of course if any of my other friends are reading this and I haven't mentioned you it's only to keep this brief.
So I say, soldier on my friends. We will take over this place one gig at a time.