Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanks, now please pass the Turkey.

Well it's happened again. I've been gone from my blog for too long but this time it was Thanksgivings fault! Erin and I hosted our friends Geoff and Kate and their dogs for a wonderful meal. Erin made the best turkey I've ever had (sorry Mom and Grandma). Here is a picture of it right after Geoff started to carve it.

Isn't that thing gorgeous? And it was oh so good!

Speaking of Thanksgiving I'm going to give thanks right here right now. Being a comedy magician one has to have a great support network. I am very lucky to have one. My family has always been super supportive of what I've wanted to do. Never once did they tell me to get "a real job." My father built some of the props that I still use today. My mother sewed costumes and my sister was my lovely assistant for a time. My parents did give me some very practical advice. My father relayed to me the old maxim, "Work smarter, not harder." My mother's advice was bit more family survival orientated. She said, "Don't do anything you will regret later." I think she was talking about pornography but she may have also meant crappy movies and magic shows dressed as Batman (ah as story for another time).

My Grandparents have also been a great support. I am very lucky to still have three living grandparents. My Grandma Cramer got me one of my first gigs when I performed for a dinner at her senior center. My Grandpap Fairman refurbished and antique card table for me that I still occasionally use. That is not to forget all my aunts and uncles. My Aunt Judy is one of my biggest fans and any show she attends she is easy to spot. She laughs so hard at anything I say she sometimes cries. My Aunt Regina is always slipping a few bucks into my pocket when I visit home, “for gas money” and my whole family has hired me more than once to perform at the family Christmas Party.

When you move 500 miles from your nearest family member the support network you relay on are you friends. I have to say (of course I am biased) that I have the best friends in the world! I know if I need anything they are always there to help. More than likely most of the people reading this blog are the very friends I am talking about. So, Thanks.

December is a very busy month for me with many corporate comedy magic shows packed into the first three weeks. Then I will be off to Pennsylvania to visit my family. So, I hope not to be gone too long again.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Where have I been all my life?

I know what you are thinking, “I've been reading Magician Madness every week and I loved its humor and I dream every night that I would wake up one day and be Edd Fairman. But where has he and the blog been?” There are a few excuses, and a few reasons for that. But first, thank you so much for noticing I am so awesome that you dream to be me each night.

So why haven't I written in almost a month?


I was trapped in a mine. Not in Chile. And not very far underground. Actually it wasn't even a mine, it was just a pile of junk in my basement storage room that fell on me. Ok, so trapped is probably a strong word but annoyed is definitely the right emotion.

I was dead at the time. This also explains why I haven't paid my Chicago Property taxes. So, stop asking Maria Pappas.

My dog ate my blog. Any of you that have met my dog, Teller (not the magician) knows he could eat a blog. In the past he has eaten a discussion board, a bulletin board, and a dart board.

I was waiting for the perfect time to post this blog. And today (no matter what day you are reading this) is the perfect day. According to a tarot reader, a astrologer, and the perfect amount of left overs in my fridge (just enough to not have too cook but not so much that you get bored with them) today was the day I had to post this blog.


I was really busy.

I was in Davenport. I realize that sounds like an excuse but really it's a reason. I was really busy there. For four days I attended the APCA Midwest programing conference. I was there to promote my Comedy Magic Show for Colleges and Universities. It was a great experience. I got to meet 40 of the Student Activity Directors from around the Midwest. I had an exhibit booth and I did a performance during one of the many showcases.

Here is a picture of the booth:

I think it looks really professional. The banners were designed by Karl Ziemer of Karl Fred Design. Erin did all the booth decorating and arranging. I should have a video of my performance to post soon. I will update here.

I really want to thank Erin and Dennis Watkins ( for all their help at the conference. This was Erin and my first conference and Dennis was a familiar face and he had some good advice. I also got to hang out with my friend and local Chicago entertainer, Sheri Winkleman (