So, I planned on doing a video blog this week. Yup that's right a vlog, which I am sure is the same sound I make when I've had too much Thai food, but technology has conspired against me. So instead you get this plain old bloggy blog.
I was going to show you the big, exciting thing I was talking about in said video so that will have to wait. In the mean time I will treat you to some random thoughts I have had:
Old curmudgeons like me say that young women are dressing more and more like prostitutes every year. So, what are prostitutes dressing like? Also, what does a prostitute wear on her day off?
When did looking like a hillbilly become popular?
Do you think they will make a Willie Nelson bio-pic soon? Does having a music bio pic done about you assure your immediate death or just hasten it?
Gloves are just socks for your hands. Especially when you wear socks as gloves.
Instead of trying to change how we look to be considered good looking why don't we just change what is considered good looking? Me? I'm thinking short, dumpy, and graying, is totally going to be in next year.
If the internet is a series of tubes my slow, bloated, computer is a hairball in the drain of technology.
The following picture is considered hazardous to your health. View with caution:

And with that, I must leave you because I must soap my eyes.
About the Author: Edd Fairman is a Chicago magician who specializes in comedy magic for corporate and college events. He lives in sin with his girlfriend, 2 dogs, cat, and rabbit.
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