Nobody needs more junk
We all have that friend of family member that has everything and you have no idea what to get them as a Holiday present. You don't want to buy them more junk that is just going to sit around. Why not get them something completely different!
Local, Small Business, Different
Why not give your friends, family, co-workers, or clients a truly unforgettable gift? A performance by Edd Fairman, Wizard of Sorts is sure to have them talking all year long. You can get a $300 gift certificate towards a performance for only $250! You can use it for up to one year towards any performance. Click here to get yours today and I will send it as soon as I return to the computer. I'm not tech savvy enough to get it sent to you automatically but I will email you the certificate as soon as possible.

Get yours today and have plenty of time to give it as a Christmas or Hanukkah gift.
In one year's time I plan/coordinate/advise on/or work at over 100 events. Here are some tips I've come up with help make your holiday party season a little less stressful.
- There is no "perfect" gift. Each year I think I buy less and less gifts. I've come to the realization that my parents really don't need more "stuff." I make a trip home to PA to visit. I help out with meals. My father usually has a big project that's been waiting to be finished. I only buy gifts for my Nephews because they are young and are super into the whole gift thing. If you have a super picky person on your list don't stress because more than likely they won't appreciate what you got them anyway. So, don't waste time picking out the perfect gift. Get them a gift card to a store they like.
- Avoid the rush. What gifts I do buy I get online. If you are lucky enough to have a week day off; do your shopping then. If you have to do it during the weekend, go early.
- You do not have to entertain this season. There are 100's of catering companies, banquet halls, and restaurants that would love to organize and run your party for you. I don't have to remind you that it's been a rough few years for us in the entertainment industry. So you might be surprised how easy and inexpensive it is to have someone else do it.
- Get some sleep. Friends tell me that they only sleep 4 or 5 hours a night and then they wonder why they are stressed. Unless you are the parent of a newborn, I don't see why you would choose to do this to yourself. I know, it doesn't seem like a choice but there has to be 1 or 2 hours you can squeeze out of something else and hit the hay.
- Make some "me" time. My Mother delivers the mail in the mountains of Pennsylvania. Not only do the holidays bring the heaviest mail it also brings some of the worst weather. She has driven between 70 and 100 miles a day, 5 or 6 days a week, depending on what route she was working at the time. My Mother loves to read. So she makes sure she gets in a chapter a night of whatever book she is reading. We knew growing up (and still today) if Mom is reading, leave her alone. She won't be long and she'll be in a much better mood if you let her have her "me" time.
- Get some exercise. During the Holiday season our exercise routines seem to get hung up with the decorations. If you are like me, you will spend countless hours in the car going from event to event. Luckily I have two large dogs that demand to be taking on walks. If you don't have any dogs, come walk mine, its great exercise.
- Its not life and death. Unless you really under-cook some tainted meat, remember its not life or death. Relax, enjoy, have a beverage.
Edd Fairman is a stand-up comedy magician that specializes in corporate and college events. You can find out more about him at
November 26, 2011We've all head of Black Friday and some have even heard of Cyber Monday but what is Small Business Saturday? Small Business Saturday is an effort to shine some light on your local small businesses. When I heard this, I thought, "I'm the smallest business! I'm a one man show!." I also thought, "Why is an utlra mega-corp like American Express championing small businesses?" I decided to take a "wait and see" attitude on the second point.
Great Offer In honor of Small Business Saturday, I am offering a $300 gift certificate good towards any show for only $250! Head over to my ebay listing GIFT CERTIFICATE and pick up one or two! The listing expires on November 30 at 8:00 AM Cental time. Don't miss out! 
After years of planning events, I've decided to make put together what I know.
I have created a Free Campus Event Planning mini-Ecourse. Each week for 4 weeks you will receive an email detailing a step in the event planning process.
More Free Stuff Get a free Wizard of Sorts, "Oh the Jokes hurt" t-shirt by texting "magic" to 75309

Hello! I'm not Edd. I'm Tania, the new intern for Edward Fairman. And as the new intern, I have the opportunity to post a new blog for Edd.
This is my second day at the internship and needless to say, I love it! Edd and Erin are the most dynamic couple I have ever met (they can carry on a conversation together using movie lines). Edd has such a unique voice and makes such funny noises when he talks, sings and laughs. You gotta hear him talk! It's just pure entertainment. Then you have Erin, who is a self-made clothing/jewelry designer. And my golly, her work is fantastic, a must see!
Edd & Erin live together at an apartment right by Devon (a.k.a. little India). I was nervous for my first day, simply because it was my first day. But I feel very welcomed as part of their team. They are the ideal candidates for bosses. They gave me a grand tour of their place, gave me a desk with a computer, provided me free lunch, and always made sure I was comfortable. I couldn't ask for anyone better!
My position is called "artist management internship." I hope to learn about the entertainment business so I can implement it when I do become an artist manager one day.
Currently, I am trying to advertise Edd Fairman's upcoming show at Heartland Cafe (700 N. Glenwood Ave, Chicago IL 60626). He will be performing for an event called "In One Ear." It will be on November 2, 2011. Several comedians will be featured for the night. It will be an evening filled with open mic, music, comedy, and poetry! Where? Heartland Cafe 7000 N. Glenwood Ave. Chicago, IL 60626 773-465-8005 When? November 2, 2011 What time? 9:30pm-1:30am How much? $3 Age? 17+
Trust me, you don't want to miss this!
I can't believe it's almost the Fourth of July. It's that time of year where I turn into my Uncle. That's right, it's Uncle Sam! Your favorite stilt wearing fictitious Father of our Country's Brother. The history of Uncle Sam is a bit convoluted and I'm sure you can read the wiki articles on Uncle Sam and on Dan Rice.
One story is that Uncle Sam was originated by Dan Rice who was a clown and may have been the model for the first Uncle Sam illustrations. All political jokes aside about politicians and clowns, it does explain Uncle Sam's nimbleness on stilts.
 Here is a rather cool Uncle Sam I know.
So have a safe Independence Day and remember that all fireworks are illegal in Chicago and some people have to get up very early on the 4th to drive to a suburban parade.
 As June starts for second base the phone at the Wizard of Sorts office starts ringing off the hook. Myself and Erin, Manager of Sorts, have been fielding calls and emails from people scrambling to book me for last minute gigs.
To misquote John Van Buren, "Book early and book often." I already have several events booking in 2012! So, that brings us to the Jack 'O Lantern pictured left.
You should be planning your Halloween party now! I know, I know. Boooo! And that's not the ghostly kind of, "boo." It is more of a bad call, yell at the referee type of, "boo." I more than anyone would like to be thinking only of warm summer days spent at the lake shore and not thinking of fall weather, turning leaves and cool weather celebrations.
When I asked one of my agents how many full time magicians there are in Chicago, he said, "Good ones?" Of course. "Eight." No way there have to be way more than that. Right? Then we started listing names and I think he is right. There are very few of us. There are a few (I only know of one) good part time magicians in town but they are even rarer.
I hear what you are saying. You are saying that you can go to Google and search for "Chicago magician" and get a dozen results. But remember what he said, "Good ones." Of course that's just his opinion but he books many events so he has lots of experience.
With so few good magicians available it is imperative to plan early. My first weekend in October is already completely booked with a two day festival. I expect the rest of the month to mostly booked by the end of July and Christmas events start booking in August!
So, call now to book your: - End of Summer celebrations
- Back to School Days
- Awards nights
- Christmas
- New Years
events. -- Edd Fairman is a Chicago Magician who specializes in Corporate and College events and may be available for your next event. If you call ahead.
For those of you not following the news, a magician has been very highly covered recently in the media. You didn't read it? Or you didn't realize he was a magician? Harold Camping the Rapture Preacher is just a bad magician. Or more accurately he is a bad mentalist.
A quick note for those not in the know: A mentalist is a magician/performer who does tricks that seem to involve mind reading, esp, predicting the future, finding lost items, divining thoughts of others, etc. A mentalist however does not solve crimes or look like Simon Baker (well not many of them).
Those of you have seen my show (You haven't seen my show? Why not? What's up with that?) know that I do a few mental magic tricks. I divine a thought of word. I miraculousness create a math equation who's sum is the spectator's thought of number. I generally do not predict the end of the world or some other giant, easy to prove event (see my post on Lying). This is one of the ways Harold Camping went wrong. The other?
When it all goes wrong: Occasionally I have missed the math equation in my show. Once or twice I've filled in the 16 squares with numbers that should all add to the thought of number with gusto and then when I preceded to solve it, I was wrong. It happens. Magic is an art not a science. Math, of course, is a science but I'm not up there doing math. I using math to entertain. (Never thought I would say that...)
Anyway, what Camping did wrong when his prediction fizzled was, he didn't move on to the next thing. He disappeared for three days. If you get your prediction wrong you have to keep moving. Here watch Sylvia Browne renowned "psychic" and finger nail enthusiast dance around her wrong predictions here:
Man for an older lady she can move! I disagree with Roger Miller, I think you can roller skate in a Buffalo Herd.
Did that video make you a bit sad? I hope so. Harold Camping makes me said. But as a showman, a bit of a huckster, and a lover of the ridiculous, I don't want to see him go into hiding. I want him, Charlie Sheen, and Donald Trump to be on Celebrity Survivor together. Ooo the laughs they give me. I want to see Harold Camping host a new version of You Bet Your Life.
Seriously though, it is a great tradition among magicians to debunk pseudo- sciences. We know most of the methods they are using. In Camping and Sylvia Browne's cases I think the method is called wild guess. The practice of debunking was popularized by Houdini and is currently being carried on by the Amazing Randi, Penn Jillette, and others. I love to fool people. I love to make a bit of money from doing it but I hate when charlatans use magic tricks to bilk people. Several Camping followers gave away all of their money and possessions. Some gave all their money to him! And well as Creed said:
So what's the point of all this? Harold Camping makes me laugh and also makes me sad. I guess he is a really good clown.
-- Edd Fairman is a Chicago magician who specializes in comedy for corporate and college audiences.
A few weeks ago I was working a First Communion party at the Saddle and Cycle club. For those of you who don't know this is a big event in the Catholic community. When a child finished their CCD classes (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) and take part in the Eucharistic for the first time they are considered a full member of the Church.
Usually they have a rather large party after Church with a meal and entertainment. So, I was getting ready at Club and in walks a man who looks like Mayor Daley. But I can't be sure if it is him because I've never seen him in person and he looked thinner than I remember him. So, I jokingly say to a guest near by, "Boy that guy looks familiar. I think I know him." She says, "That's Maggie's Grandpa."
Now I'm thinking it must not be the Mayor or she would have said so. Eventually I meet the little girl who's party it is. At a first communion it's easy to spot the celebrate because they are usually wearing all white. I know what you are thinking at this point, "You didn't know who you were there to perform for?" Well, on these large events there can be two or three layers of agents, party planners, and coordinators. By the time the information gets to the entertainers it is often wrong or incomplete. Anyway. I say to Maggie, "Boy your Grandpa looks like the Mayor." She says, "That's because he is!"
Of course I made it seem like I was just kidding around and had a laugh.
This actually reminds me of a game a friend of mine plays called, "What's wrong on this talent sheet?" Often times it's small things. Sometimes it's big things like the address of the venue, the venue's phone number. One time I was working a gig with this entertainer and our "agent." The agent introduces us to the contact saying, "This is Jen." The contact person says, "It's Jill." For the rest of the event the "agent" kept referring to the contact as Jen. It was hilarious.
I once had an agent send me to a country club a week before an event and another send me to a wrong club with a similar name. Once when arriving at a club where I was scheduled to do walk around close-up magic I see a sign that says, "Magic Show 2:00PM." I asked the contact who was doing the magic show. Well, I was surprised to find out it was me! I somehow pulled 20 minutes of material out of the small close-up case I had with me.
Like the Boy Scouts say, "Be Prepared." But it's impossible to be prepared for every conceivable scenario. So, I figure when I am not fully prepared to cover an agent's, party planner's, or coordinator's mistake, I just get creative.
 Last week I had to say goodbye to a very important piece of equipment. Lucille, my dear old, 2003, Hyundai Accent.
As you can see she was a red headed beauty but her lack of air conditioning finally got to me and I couldn't take it any longer.
Strangely enough, I was really sad to see her go. We had been through so much tog ether. One time she and I drove 14 hours straight from Chicago to Washington DC. We drove home in snow storm from some tiny town in Indiana ending up at one point facing the wrong way on the entrance ramp to the highway because we had spun around on the ice and snow.
But like most women her age, her worst fear has come true. She has been replaced by a younger woman. Say, "Hello" to Bettie. Bettie is a 2010 Hyundai Elantra Touring Edition. When I bought her, I told my Mother I had bought a small station wagon. She said that it sounded like I was turning into a suburban dad. It couldn't be any further from the truth. As soon as I heard that I went onto Cafe Press and ordered a bumper sticker that reads, "Devastation Wagon."
Much of my blog is about the adventures I have out there bringing magic to the people. So, I am sure there will be an up coming story or two featuring Bettie.
Edd Fairman is a corporate and college entertainer who travels the country performing magic shows. Much of the time he drives.
April 7 through 9 I will be traveling to Hastings Nebraska to perform my comedy magic show for Hastings College this will be my first foray into the Corn Husker State, only the second time I have flown with my show props and equipment, and the first time I have flown with the newest TSA rules and regulations.
Forget Carry on If you think you have had trouble going through security imagine packing a brief case with among other things a bowling ball, 8 10 inch stainless steel rings, several lengths of rope, scissors, a knife, a gigantic deck of cards, all sorts of electronics for sound, and a kiwi.
The only things from my show I can actually carry onto the plane are my regular deck of cards, a clipboard, and my sharpie markers. I have one of those new awesome stainless steel sharpies and I doubt that could even be packed in a carry on bag. I can't even carry on my kiwi! I guess they are afraid I will assault the crew with high amounts of fiber and Vitamin C.
Which reminds me of a terrible joke I heard this joke on Prairie Home Companion, a great source for wonderful, terrible jokes. A coyote is coming down the jet way to get onto the plane with a dead raccoon in his mouth. The flight attendant says, "You can't bring that on the plane." The coyote replies, "But this is my carrion."
I'm not sure how well that joke works in print but it works well audibly. I know what you are thinking. "That's terrible." But I know you will be telling that joke sometime soon! Don't deny it. Though I don't tell jokes in my act; I do comedy. So, don't worry, I won't be telling you about dead raccoons on stage anytime soon.
I just came for the pudding I look forward for performing for the students of Hastings College and getting to visit the Queen City of the Plains.
About the Author Edd Fairman, Wizard of Sorts, is a Chicago Magician who travels the country performing for colleges and corporations.
So you may or may not know but I am of Irish decent. James Fairman came from Ireland in 1774 and settle in Schuylkill County Pennsylvania. And you probably do know that Thursday is St. Patrick's day. Which is an Irish/American Holiday. I suppose if the term "Irish Americans" existed 230 years ago my family probably would have been called that. But it didn't and what they were called was much worse.
So, on Thursday many people will be out to celebrate what they think Irish and Irish/Americans should do; drink until stupidity. Anyone reading this who knows me, knows I enjoy a glass of whiskey just as much as the next guy but there should be limits. As Charlie Sheen has taught us, public intoxication of all forms should be avoided at risk of loosing one's livelihood.
I will be out with my friends Thursday evening celebrating at the bars of Lodge Management on Division Street. You will be able to find us at Mother's, Mother's Too, Shenanigans, Bootleggers, The Lodge, and The Hangee Uppee. We will be easy to spot as we will be on stilts and "wearing the green." Please come down and see us, raise a pint (or maybe even two) to Eire and mind your P's and Q's or I'll stick a potato in your eye.
About the Author: Edd Fairman, Wizard of Sorts is an Irish/German/American Chicago Magician who performs for corporate and college events.
7. Save Money- A magician in comparison to many other forms of entertainment is actually cheaper than most. A band (because it requires many performers) can really become very expensive. Most "speakers" are way over priced because they market almost exclusively to the corporate market.
6. Universal- Magic is loved by people of all ages and social standing. Not everyone loves rock, hip hop, or polka but almost everyone loves magic.
5. Flexible Size- Either a magic show or a walk around magician can fill a stadium or fit in a living room. No only does it fit in different size venues it also fits different styles of parties, different energy levels, and even different noise levels.
4. Customizable- Most magicians, including your author, can customize their show to fit your specific message, theme, or event.
3. Less stress- An experienced magician can help you with planning suggestions, venue recommendations and more.
2. Different- Shake things up with the wonderment that a magician can provide. A DJ, band, or speaker is so blasé.
1. Memorable- Your guests will be talking for a long time about the great time they had at your event. You can make a great impression on your client. When you have someone at your event that can do the impossible, imagine what your client will think of you.
Edd Fairman is a Chicago Magician who does magic for corporate and private parties. He specializes in making you look good through an awesome show, great communication through the booking process, and logistical help.
Not all parties are created the same. As a comic magician I perform for many different types of functions. Each one requires its own show. I may perform some of the same tricks in two different shows but I don't know if I've ever performed the same trick in the same way twice. Even when I was doing the run of my show at the Gorilla Tango Theatre, I never had the same show two nights in a row. Each audience, each volunteer, each room requires a different show.
So, if you hire an entertainer and they start asking you a bunch of noisy question it's not because they are trying to get fresh, it's because they are trying to do the best show for you. If they don't ask you questions about what you are looking for, run, run like the wind. Which actually doesn't run. So, run, run, like a gazelle being pursued by a cheetah.
Even two company Christmas Parties aren't the same. I have performed at Christmas Parties for an accounting firm (very nice but very quiet people), an engineering firm (very nice but very analytical people), and even a trucking firm (very nice very, but how do we say, very boisterous people). Each show had to be tailored to fit the tone of the party and the personality of the group.
If you are planning an event and hiring an entertainer, here are some questions you should ask yourself:
1. What do I want the entrainment to accomplish? Do you want to just have fun? Do you want to motivate the audience? Do you want to get a message across?
2. What is the feel of the event? Is it high energy? Low key? Elegant? Casual?
3. What are the capabilities of the venue? Can you fit what you want to do in the space allotted.
The entertainer you are hiring should ask you these questions to decide if they are the right fit for your event. If they don't, you can ask them the questions but I would be on guard. If you don't like the answers no body should have to tell you to move on.
If you have any party planning questions please feel free to email me at
About the Author: Edd Fairman is a magician for corporate events who specializes in making you look good. He lives in Chicago and travels through out the US performing.
It's hard to be funny when it's below zero. It's hard to be funny when you all you really want to do is hide under the covers until summer. Every year it happens. Every year around now I just don't feel the funny. But guess what? The audience doesn't care. So what is a comedy magician to do? LIE! Yup. LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE.
When I feel crappy and I'm just not feeling the funny, I lie to myself. I tell myself that I am feeling very funny. I say to myself that I am in a great mood. Self delusion is a powerful tool when used for good of course. When your job is to create an illusion its best to start with yourself. I also tell myself I'm six foot tall, still have a 30 inch waist, and have been to India. I'm not sure why its India but it sounds interesting. It's important to be interesting. If you find that your own life isn't interesting I recommend making stuff up. It's fun. It's creative and it will keep away Alzheimer's. When one goes to lie to oneself about something, it is very important to be careful. Little lies: good. Big lies: not so good. Exaggerations about something that really did happen: very good. Lying about something that can be proven false: very bad. This past weekend I performed for a man named Glen Miller. So saying that I performed for Glen Miller isn't a lie. Saying it was the world famous musician is a lie. It's a very bad lie because it is very easy to prove that A)the musician Glen Miller is dead. B) he died before I was born. And C) no one would care even if it was the real Glen Miller because no one cares about jazz anymore. So, stick to unprovable, unimportant lies. Oh and only lie to yourself. Not other people. That would be dishonest. It is only acceptable to lie to other people if you are a magician (and it vanished), politician (I did not have relations with that woman.), doctor (You've got a least six months to live), parent (Santa is watching), neighbor (Your lawn looks great), boy friend (No those jeans do not make you look fat) or anyone not wanting to get in trouble (I was just saying). Otherwise lying should be avoided at all costs. It sullies one's reputation and makes them look bad among people no one really cares about. I am sure that most self help guru's would call it the "power of positive thinking" but they are just lying to you and themselves. About the Author: Edd Fairman is a comedy corporate and college magician residing in Chicago who never lies (except just now) and is available for your next event.
Earlier this week I sent an email to many of my corporate clients about the up coming Take Your Kids to Work day. If your office is planning a day or you know someone who is, take a look at my tips: This year Take Your Child to Work Day is nationally slated for April 28, 2011 but many offices choose a day that works best for them. If your office is planning on participating this year, you need to have a plan for the day.
Activity Suggestions
Tour: Schedule a tour of the company with short explanations of what happens in each area. If you can find an object that the kids can follow through the procedure can be fun and helpful. They can follow a case, a file, a customer order, etc.
Crafts: Have the kids think of what job they might like to do when they grow up and draw a picture of that job. Also, companies like Fun Express and Oriental Trading Company offer fun prepackaged craft kits. (Photo frames are a great idea).
Photo time: Take picture of the child at Mom or Dad's desk for the the above mentioned photo frames.
Lunch: Pizza is always a favorite.
Entertainment: It can't be all work and no play. Hiring a professional entertainer can take the stress out of the day.
About the Author
Edd Fairman, Wizard of Sorts is a professional corporate and family magician based in Chicago. He has performed for 1000's of clients and dozens of Bring Your Child to Work Days. You can find out more about him at
As February approaches with all of the Blue and Gold Banquets, I start to think back to how I got started in all of this. First a bit of explanation. A Blue and Gold Banquet is the yearly celebration of Boy Scouting's birthday. Cub Scout packs, consisting of boys ages 6 to 12 and their families have a meal, entertainment and usually have a ceremony where the oldest boys "graduate" into Boy Scouts.
When I was 6 years old I joined my local Cub Scout pack and in February we had a magician perform. His name is Bob Beatty and at the time he was an Elementary School Principal in Johnstown, PA. That was really the beginning of the end of it all for me. That year my parent's got me a magic kit for my birthday and then another one for Christmas.
My scouting career and magic both grew and I went on to earn the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank in scouting. Now, each February I perform at many Blue and Gold Banquets. I feel in a small way I am giving back to what scouting and Bob Beatty have given to me.
As a comedy magician I know I'm not setting kids on a path to save lives but I may inspire the next great comedian. You never know.
About the author: Edd Fairman is a Chicago Magician who performs for companies, colleges, and private events.
So, I planned on doing a video blog this week. Yup that's right a vlog, which I am sure is the same sound I make when I've had too much Thai food, but technology has conspired against me. So instead you get this plain old bloggy blog.
I was going to show you the big, exciting thing I was talking about in said video so that will have to wait. In the mean time I will treat you to some random thoughts I have had:
Old curmudgeons like me say that young women are dressing more and more like prostitutes every year. So, what are prostitutes dressing like? Also, what does a prostitute wear on her day off?
When did looking like a hillbilly become popular?
Do you think they will make a Willie Nelson bio-pic soon? Does having a music bio pic done about you assure your immediate death or just hasten it?
Gloves are just socks for your hands. Especially when you wear socks as gloves.
Instead of trying to change how we look to be considered good looking why don't we just change what is considered good looking? Me? I'm thinking short, dumpy, and graying, is totally going to be in next year.
If the internet is a series of tubes my slow, bloated, computer is a hairball in the drain of technology.
The following picture is considered hazardous to your health. View with caution:
"Oh, so wrong."
And with that, I must leave you because I must soap my eyes.
About the Author: Edd Fairman is a Chicago magician who specializes in comedy magic for corporate and college events. He lives in sin with his girlfriend, 2 dogs, cat, and rabbit.