Friday, June 25, 2010


I've been rehearsing for my upcoming show at Gorilla Tango Theatre ( I forgot how tough it really is. My hands are cramped and my shoulders are sore. I guess magic is tougher then I realized.

I am working really hard on this show because it is the first show that all of my friends, family, clients, peers, etc, etc. can come see. Usually when I meet someone new and they find out I am a magician they always ask where they can see me perform. My answer usually is, "Get invited to one of the events where I am working" because almost everything I do is private events. So, it is going to be really nice for everyone to be able to see my work.

I purposefully decided to do this show completely on my own. So, that way there was no one to blame for the success or failure of the show. I quickly realized that is not a good idea. So, I hired on a Publicist. Good move.

Know what you are good at. Me, I'm a comic magician. I am not a publicist. Hiring someone else to do things you are not good at is such a relief. Try it sometime!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What is the image you want your company to project at your event?

I am a member of a website that receives requests for entertainers. I have seen several requests lately from corporations in Chicago looking for Clowns. I have nothing personal against clowns. I have actually performed as a clown in 2001. It made me wonder is a clown the image that these companies want to present?

Obviously, a clown has worked out very well for McDonald's. Why? Because the image they want to present is that of a very fun but very inexpensive place to eat. Are you the most inexpensive company in your business? Do you offer the very least? Probably not.

So do you want a clown or an upscale corporate magician? Clowns certainly haven't cornered the market on funny and very few of them are actually entertaining. So are you serious about entertaining your clients, employees, colleagues and staff or are you just goofing around?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Putting your dreams out there.

I believe its called the attraction theory or something like that. If you say what you want you will attract it. I don't believe in it. Or at least I didn't.

I've always had a hard time saying out loud what I really want in my life and career. I know what some of you are thinking, "You? You say what ever is on your mind." But putting your dreams and goals out there, that's scary. What if I don't make it. I want to be a successful college and corporate magician in Chicago. So, what now?

I have to plan. I've read that, "those who fail to plan, plan to fail." Someone might look at my comedy magic show and think, "he's crazy, he doesn't plan anything." Maybe that's the real illusion. Next up, what am I planning?